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产品号码:  VA0020
产品条码:  895634000096

There is no other time in a woman’s life where the taking of a vitamin supplement is more important than in pregnancy. In fact, the makeup of many prenatal vitamins is so good that some women use them even when they aren’t pregnant. Because the body is truly providing for two and because the fetus is growing and developing so rapidly, beginning a prenatal vitamin as soon as a woman knows she’s pregnant is vital to the health of the pregnancy*.

Women who are vegetarians are often challenged in finding a proper prenatal vitamin containing vitamins with vegan sources. DEVA Nutrition has taken the best and most natural vegan-based vitamins and combined them into a vitamin precisely tailored to the pregnant woman. Let’s look at some of the special needs of pregnant women and look at how this vegan prenatal product addresses those needs*.

Two of the most important vitamins necessary for adequate fetal development are also the two most prone to being deficient: vitamin B12 and folic acid. Deficiencies in folic acid, in particular, have been linked to neural tube defects in early pregnancy. DEVA Vegan Prenatal Formula provides 200% of the recommended daily allowances of folic acid. Vitamin B12 is difficult for vegans to get in their diet due to its presence primarily in meat products. The DEVA Vegan Prenatal Formula provides over 1500% of the RDA of this vitamin. It is entirely possible that a pregnant woman who is also eats a vegan diet begins her pregnancy with less than adequate amounts of vitamin B12, so the amount in the prenatal vitamin can clearly put her ahead very quickly*.

Vitamin C helps prevent some of the leg cramps, nausea and vomiting associated with early pregnancy. The DEVA Vegan Prenatal Vitamin provides 200% of the RDA of this vitamin. As this is a water-soluble vitamin, it isn’t worrisome to take a bit extra*.

While most prenatal vitamins try to pack in as much as they can into the vitamin, DEVA Nutrition has been careful not to promote an excess of potentially toxic fat soluble vitamins. Vitamin A is provided as water-soluble beta carotene at a level that won’t cause vitamin A toxicity. Vitamin E is from an all-natural source and is provided in a safe amount. Deficiencies in vitamin E in pregnancy have been linked to birth defects so having “just enough?is important. Vitamin K, another fat-soluble vitamin, is also in amounts that avoid toxicity*.

Vitamin D, important in calcium metabolism, is provided as vitamin D2, the only vegan source of the vitamin, at 100% of the recommended daily allowance. The body uses this form just like the vitamin D one can obtain from the sun.*

The B vitamins are all well-represented in the DEVA Vegan Prenatal Multivitamin. The B vitamins are safe when taken in higher doses and are vital to a healthy pregnancy. Research shows that up to 50% of all expecting mothers are deficient in vitamin B6, provided at 625% of the recommended daily allowance in this vitamin.*

The DEVA Vegan Prenatal Multivitamin provides biotin, another commonly deficient nutrient in pregnancy. Choline is provided and is necessary for fetal brain development.*

The full range of minerals is provided in doses that maximize the growth and development of the fetus. Iron (in the form of an amino acid chelate) is extremely important to have in a good prenatal vitamin; it is provided at 117% of the recommended daily allowance. Iodine, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Molybdenum and Boron are all provided in adequate amounts.*

When available, the all-vegan sources are all-natural and provided in the most bioavailable way. This means that the once-daily pill the mother takes will actually be absorbed as easily as possible so that both mom and baby get the nutrients they need.*

Because Calcium takes up a great deal of space in any multivitamin, there is no prenatal vitamin that provides the amount of Calcium a pregnant woman needs for proper fetal bone development. For that reason, separate Calcium supplementation is always recommended during pregnancy, especially if the daily dietary intake is lacking.*

DEVA VeganPrenatal Multivitamin with Minerals provides the total-package in prenatal supplementation for any expecting mother, not just those on vegan diets. It contains the right combination of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients without providing any of them in harmful amounts. Taking one per day throughout the pregnancy and during lactation may make the difference between a healthy pregnancy and a pregnancy struggling to get the right nutrients.*

Suggested Usage

One (1) tablet a day with food or as directed by a health care professional.

Supplement Facts
Serving Size 1 Tablet
Amount Per Serving % DV
Vitamin A (Beta Carotene) 3500 IU 75%
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 120 mg 200%
Vitamin D2 400 IU 100%
Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol Acetate) 60 IU 200%
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Mononitrate) 12.5 mg 833%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 12.5 mg 735%
Vitamin B3 (Niacinimide, Niacin) 45 mg 250%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine Hcl) 12.5 mg 625%
Folic Acid 800 mcg 200%
Vitamin B12 100 mcg 1666%
Biotin 150 mcg 50%
Vitamin B5 (D-Calcium Pantothenate) 25 mg 250%
Calcium (Calcium phosphate) 100 mg 10%
Iron (Amino Acid Chelate) 21 mg 117%
Iodine (Kelp) 150 mcg 100%
Magnesium (Oxide) 20 mg 5%
Zinc (Oxide) 15 mg 100%
Selenium 70 mcg 100%
Copper (Gluconate) 2 mg 100%
Manganese (Amino Acid Chelate) 2 mg 100%
Chromium 120 mcg 100%
Molybdenum 75 mcg 100%
Boron (Citrate) 1 mg
Choline (Bitartrate) 50 mg
Inositol 10 mg
Lutein 50 mcg
PABA 10 mg
Citrus Bioflavinoids 10 mg
Pectin 10 mg
Betaine Hcl 10 mg
Alfaalfa (leaf) Medicago Sativa 5 mg
Chamomile (leaf) Matricaria Recutita 5 mg
Rose Hips Rosa Canina 5 mg
Acercola Extract Malphighia Giabra 500 mcg

Daily Value based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

* Daily Value (DV) not established.

Other Ingredients: Cellulose, Stearic Acid, Croscarmellose Sodium, Vegetable Stearate, Silica. (All of the ingredients are from plant / mineral sources)

Free of: GMOs, yeast, wheat, gluten, milk, sugar, salt, starch, preservatives, artificial flavors or dyes; animal products, byproducts or dervatives.

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